Ты сказала, что наши отношения готовы перейти к следующему шагу. You said the relation's ready to move to the next step. The card had a moon on, and the moon was that far off from being the full moon. And I said, clicked, this is the next step. Next step? Oh my God, is he about to propose? I want to put it in your arse. Because we haven't done that yet, and that is the next step for the clock to go on the arse. Are you talking me? I thought he was about to propose, not try and stick it in my arse. That was not going in my arse. Well, the card woman said you're ready for the next step. I don't care what the card woman said you're not putting it in my arse. It was a full moon?
You said the relation's ready to move to the next step. The card had a moon on, and the moon was that far off from being the full moon. And I said, clicked, this is the next step. Next step? Oh my God, is he about to propose? I want to put it in your arse. Because we haven't done that yet, and that is the next step for the clock to go on the arse. Are you talking me? I thought he was about to propose, not try and stick it in my arse. That was not going in my arse. Well, the card woman said you're ready for the next step. I don't care what the card woman said you're not putting it in my arse. It was a full moon?
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