Забытое интервью Джорджа Сороса
— Последние два года
In the last two years, you've been blamed for financial collapse of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and Russia? All of the above. All of the above. Are you that powerful? I think that I've been blamed for everything. I am basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do. I am actually trying to do the right thing. And sometimes what I do has an unintended negative consequence, as it did in Russia. As a competitor, I've got to compete to win. As a human being, I am concerned about the society in which I live. Which George Soros am I talking to now? The amoral George Soros or the moral George Soros? It's one person. It's one person who at one time engages in amoral activities and at the rest of the time...
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