Have a great day, gang. You too, hon. You wouldn't know it, but a few months ago, anxiety and depression were ruining my life. I was struggling at work. Hey, you need something, bud? I was struggling as a father. Gah! Come on, Andrew, you can't be bad at school and sports. And struggling as a husband. Well, it's not because my mom's doctor thinks that we should move her into an assisted living place. That's awesome. I was at a real low point. That's what I talked to my doctor about. A couple of beers. A couple of beers is a revolutionary medicine that treats anxiety and depression fast. And within minutes of taking it, I'm back to my old self. Andrew! I love you, buddy. You're the best in the whole world. And my confidence is through the roof. What are you guys laughing at how stupid you are? No! Jay, you look freaking hot, man. You've been doing my Pilates? Excuse me? Oh, sorry. I'm just having a tough time adjusting to my new medication. So.
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