Легендарный хит нашей молодости
Let's understand, let's go for a while
Heaven can wait, we're only watching the sky
Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst
Are you gonna drop above the knots?
Let us die young, or let us live forever
We don't have the power, but we never say never
Sitting in a sand pit, life is a short strip
The music's called a sad man
Can you imagine what the trace has won?
Turn our golden space, listen to the sun
Raising our leaders, we're getting in tune
The music's played by the night by
Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, forever, forever
Forever young, I want to be forever young
Shel our golden space, listen to the suncos of the produce to tornado will newer
And even when everything is Christmas of the day
When everything is over before living firstango solo
We don't have the power, but we have them
Through a chat, we have the power, but we have an actual
There is no truth고 that strength is construing forNão
But everything else is circumcath daí
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