Hi. Oh, it's the police. They came for real. Yeah, we have to just come back to make sure everything's okay. What'd you do? Did you call the police? Yeah. Why? I told my mommy to go to jail. I didn't get ice cream. So is that why you're upset? Yeah. That's why I didn't get no ice cream. Oh, look, it's a little one. It's so hard to yell at them. So no calling 911 unless it's a real emergency, okay? What do you call for? I ate his ice cream. You ate his ice cream? Mommy has to go to jail. Can we take her to jail for you to get your ice cream? Yes. I agree. I would let you arrest. I agree. Now she's got to go get you new ice cream. You put that like this. Click. Go. Push. Put her in the hiccup. All right. Put the other one on her. I have never been in the hiccup before. And I have to call you. Yeah, you call us when you need us.
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