Аватар Dima Buhalzev
I'm gone for a broken heartache No silent prayer for the faith of the party I'm gonna pitch to the face in the crowd You're gonna hear my voice I shut this out loud It's my life and it's now or never I ain't gonna live forever I just want to live while I'm alive
Аватар Батончик.
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Аватар Ольга Евсюкова
I'm gone for a broken heartache No silent prayer for the faith of the party I'm gonna pitch to the face in the crowd You're gonna hear my voice I shut it out loud It's my life and it's now or never I ain't gonna live forever I just want to live while I'm alive
Аватар ☢️пох☢️
Thank you for listening. Thank you.
Аватар Prem Sahag
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind There was something so pleasant about that place
Аватар Виктория
Auf geht's Luca, auf geht's Auf geht's Auf geht's Luca Bleib dran, bleib dran Komm schon Was für öfters blow!
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