Аватар Анжела Сорокина
Грабители Are you sure this is a good idea? Yes, dude. I got good intel, okay? The owner always works nights. Okay, sweet. Where should we start? Let's check upstairs. What's up, guys? Dude, you didn't tell me they had a dog. Please, it's a golden retriever. I got this. Hey, buddy. Are you a good boy? Yes, I am. How'd you know that? I always know a good boy when I see one. Oh, my God. Thank you so much. Nice, dude. All right, we're just going to help your owner move some stuff, okay? So don't mind us. Okay. You just have to make sure Tina's okay with it. Who? Oh, dear God. He won't save you. Are you sure this is a good idea? Yes, dude. I got good intel, okay? The owner always works nights. Okay, sweet. Where should we start? Let's check upstairs. What's up, guys? Dude, you didn't tell me they had a dog. Please, it's a golden retriever. I got this. Hey, buddy. Are you a good boy? Yes, I am. How'd you know that? I always know a good boy when I see one. Oh, my God. Thank you so much. Nice, dude. All right, we're just going to help your owner move some stuff, okay? So don't mind us. Okay. You just have to make sure Tina's okay with it. Who? Oh, dear God. He won't save you.
Аватар Прикольно и Смешно.
Топовый букет. ПОДПИШИСЬ НА КАНАЛ Зовут ее, только вот не Майя она от рождения. Такая красота и молчит, это же чистый клад. ПОДПИШИСЬ НА КАНАЛ Зовут ее, только вот не Майя она от рождения. Такая красота и молчит, это же чистый клад.
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