Аватар Владимир Наклевкин
TikTok @elvirabondareva3 Thank you very much.
Аватар Аквамарин
@miami_skye Cupcakes, baking, a couple dozen treats in the making Gonna gobble them up when the timer's down Yeah! It's a sweet life, milk and honey Come on in and got yummy for your tummy What's cakey? What's cakey? I'm gonna show you
Аватар Василий Ясевич
Likee Blikey
Аватар Алексей
TikTok Lite @minderla1 Welcome to the podcast, I'm your host, I'm your host, I'm your host, I'm your host,
Аватар Аквамарин
FOLLOW FOR MORE LIKE & SAVE Yo te doy un 20 de dieta, dura, dura, dura Tú eres la máquina, la máquina del baile Si no tiene a nadie, vente pa' mi brazo caile Esto es el espumel se siente en el aire Algo con Argentina, tú me traigo Buenos Aires Yo te doy un 20 de dieta, dura, dura, dura Tú eres la máquina, la máquina del baile Si no tiene a nadie, vente pa' mi brazo caile Esto es el espumel se siente en el aire Algo con Argentina, tú me traigo Buenos Aires Yo te doy un 20 de dieta, dura, dura ¡Suscríbete al canal!
Аватар Василий Ясевич
Likee Look what you've done, look what you've done to me I got everything I want to touch You're everything, you're everything I want Look what you've done to me Didn't know I was alone Till I was one and two, you ran into your heart Like bad news Oh my God, what's happening? Look what you've done, look what you've done to me I got everything I want to touch You're everything, you're everything I need I wanna tell you things, I'll show you all the rest Broadcast my emotions on the radio And take them off my chest I hope you're listening Are you, are you I'm spinning around in circles Spinning around in circles Writing in my journal about you Wonder if there's no Likey
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